It takes a single click to launch WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Opencart, Magento, Prestashop, or any other favorite content management system (CMS) from a library of 400+ website creation tools.
Unlimited SSL certificates are provided for your websites, offering strong, encrypted connections for secure browsing. This added security not only protects your users but also helps your site rank higher on Google.
With over 100 templates, create your website for free without any coding knowledge—just drag and drop elements to build a responsive site in minutes, directly from your client dashboard.
Explore the comparison of packages for our different Shared Hosting plans to select the one that best suits your needs.
We have asked many questions and tried to answer most of the important ones.
A lifetime free domain with Hoyist means that if you commit to purchasing hosting for more than 6 months, your domain will be free for the duration of your hosting plan. For example, if you purchase hosting for a year or three years, the domain will be free for that same period. So, if you opt for a three-year hosting plan, your domain will be free for the entire three years.
Yes, it's incredibly easy to build a website with our Shared Hosting services. We provide user-friendly tools and support to help you create and launch your website quickly and efficiently.
A hosting plan is a package of features that you can select for the hosting of your website. Hosting plans vary in price, features, storage, and how many websites they can host. If you need web hosting for multiple sites, for example, you would need to choose a hosting plan that offers this feature. Web hosting providers typically offer a range of packages for you to choose from, including features like dedicated hosting, WordPress hosting, and even a free domain.
Shared hosting and dedicated hosting are two different types of web hosting services offered by providers. Shared hosting is when multiple websites share a single server and its resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage space. Dedicated hosting is when a website is hosted on a dedicated server only used by one client—you’ll have your own server that you can manage. The choice between a dedicated server or a single server depends on the specific needs of your business and your budget.
WordPress hosting is a type of web hosting specifically designed for hosting a WordPress website. This type of web hosting usually includes WordPress software, automatic updates, and caching technology. This is a great option for people who want to create and manage WordPress websites without having to worry about technical aspects such as security and configuration.
A virtual private server (VPS) is a type of web hosting that provides a virtualized environment on a shared physical server. As a result, multiple VPS instances can run on a single server, with each VPS having an operating system, CPU, and memory.
VPS hosting is when a website is hosted on a virtualized server on a shared physical server. Providers usually offer VPS hosting plans that give clients flexibility and control over dedicated hosting.
A dedicated server is a type of web hosting that includes a client leasing an entire physical server that is only meant to host their specific website. Clients are in complete control when they select dedicated hosting, including being able to customize the server settings and manage security.
Email hosting is a type of web hosting designed specifically for hosting email accounts. This type of web hosting includes email storage, spam filtering, backups, and security features.
A website builder is a tool, often provided by a hosting service, that allows clients to create a website from scratch. Many hosting companies include access to a website builder in their hosting plans.
cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel for managing a hosting account. At NameHero, we put our clients in the driver’s seat with a control panel that allows you to manage your account quickly and easily.
LiteSpeed web server (LSWS) is a high-performance Apache drop-in replacement. LSWS is the fourth most popular server on the internet and the number one choice in commercial environments. Performance can be up to 20 times faster than Apache, with a small memory footprint and increased scalability.
Our servers are located in Finland.
No. We do not allow content that could be considered adult in nature on any package at Hoyist
Yes, we can provide "Jailshelled" SSH access on all our accounts. To enable this on your account, please open a new support ticket, and our team will provide further instructions.
We handle this on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes we can upgrade your current package and move to a Managed VPS or Cloud Dedicated Server (we move all the data, you just have to pay the package difference).